Saturday, May 27, 2017

Bringing Sanity Back To Password Standards Thanks To NIST

I'm sure we've all at one time been frustrated with having to change our password every 90 days, or adhere to an annoyingly complex set of password rules like this:

There's good news though! NIST recently released a new set of password standards that adds a healthy dose of logic to our existing password rules. The full paper can be read here, but it is not a short read so I'd like to summarize it for you:
  1. No unnecessary changing of passwords. This means unless there's a breach you shouldn't have to update your password.
  2. Remove password rules entirely and instead focus on password length. Length is the best way to increase entropy and encourage the use of a passphrase as opposed to a password. Passphrases can also be easier to remember, compare these two: "J32@oukB" vs "Steve pickle dolphin 5 sunglasses!"
  3. Remove password hints. Unfortunately users will sometimes put their password in the hint, or make the hint very easily guessable.
  4. Compare the password with a list of "known bad" passwords. This could be a list of the top 1000 most used passwords, or even a collection of millions of weak passwords discovered from data breaches.
  5. Allow all ASCII and UNICODE characters, even emojis!
  6. Minimum length should be 8 characters, with a maximum of 64. The practice of preventing someone from using a password longer than 16 characters needs to stop!
  7. Passwords should be hashed and salted. In the event of a data breach, we should be taking measures to make it difficult for attackers to crack the stolen password hashes.

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